Translations by Pavol Klačanský
Pavol Klačanský has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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46. |
GStreamer plugins for mms, wavpack, quicktime, musepack
2010-03-21 |
GStreamer doplnky pre mms, wavpack, quicktime, musepack
63. |
Firefox Launchpad plugin
2010-03-21 |
Doplnok Firefox Launchpad
64. |
Firefox Launchpad integration adds quick search for Launchpad services
2010-03-21 |
Integrácia Launchpadu do programu Firefox pridá vyhľadávač pre služby Launchpadu
5278. |
Tomboy Notes
2010-09-09 |
Tomboy - poznámky