Translations by Richard Stanislavský
Richard Stanislavský has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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38. |
Arte plugin for totem
2011-09-26 |
Arte plugin pred totem
39. |
A totem plugin to watch streams from
2011-09-26 |
Plugin totem sleduje toky z
49. |
Educational desktop for Kubuntu
2011-09-26 |
Vzdelávacie plocha pred Kubuntu
50. |
The complete educational desktop for Kubuntu
2011-09-26 |
Kompletná Vzdelávacie Plocha pred Kubuntu
51. |
Educational desktop for Ubuntu
2011-09-26 |
Vzdelávacie Plocha pred Ubuntu
52. |
The complete educational desktop for Ubuntu
2011-09-26 |
Kompletná Vzdelávacie Plocha pred Ubuntu