System program problem detected
S'è verificà on problema a on programa de sistema
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
Located in
../src/crash.c:46 ../src/system-crash.c:20
Do you want to report the problem now?
Vuto segnalar el problema adeso?
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
Located in
../src/crash.c:47 ../src/system-crash.c:21
Report problem…
Segnala problema...
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
Located in
../src/crash.c:57 ../src/system-crash.c:31
<span weight="bold" size="larger">Please enter your password to access problem reports of system programs</span>
<span weight="bold" size="larger">Inserir la propria password par acedar alle segnalasioni de problemi dei programi de sistema</span>
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
Located in
Crash report detected
Rilevà segnalasion de na inciodada del sistema
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
Located in
../src/crash.c:99 ../src/crash.c:206
An application has crashed on your system (now or in the past). Click on the notification icon to display details.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Un'applicasion la s'ha inciodà sul to sistema (deso o in precedensa). Far clic sull'icona de notifica par mostrar i dettaji.
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
Located in
Network service discovery disabled
Create and show the notification
Rilevasion dei servisi de rete disabilità
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
Located in
Your current network has a .local domain, which is not recommended and incompatible with the Avahi network service discovery. The service has been disabled.
Adeso la rete la sta utilixando on dominio «.local». Ciò no l'è racomandà e risulta incompatibile co la rilevasion dei servisi dierete Avahi. El servisio l'è stà disabilità.
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
Located in
Software Packages Volume Detected
Rilecà suporto con pacheti software
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
Located in
<span weight="bold" size="larger">A volume with software packages has been detected.</span>

Would you like to open it with the package manager?
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<span weight="bold" size="larger">È sta rilevà on volume contenente pacheti software.</span>

Versar tal volume col gestor de pacheti?
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
Located in