Translations by Emiliano Malerba
Emiliano Malerba has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1 → 8 of 8 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
1. |
Search Manpages
2015-08-20 |
Serca le Manpages
2. |
Sorry, there are no Manpages that match your search.
2015-08-20 |
Me spiase, no ghè Manpages che le corisponda a la to riserca
3. |
Technical Documents
2015-08-20 |
Documenti tecnici
4. |
2015-08-20 |
5. |
2015-08-20 |
manpages;man;pagine man;manuale;
6. |
2015-08-20 |
7. |
This is an Ubuntu search plugin that enables information from local manpages to be searched and displayed in the Dash underneath the Code header. If you do not wish to search this content source, you can disable this search plugin.
2015-08-20 |
Sto chi l'è on plugin de riserca de Ubuntu che el permete a informaxioni provegnenti dale Manpages locali de exar risercae e visualixè nela Dash, soto l'intestaxion «Codice». Par no efettuar la riserca se sti contenui, disativar sto plugin.
8. |
Search for Manpages
2015-08-20 |
Searca le Manpages