Translations by Loris Pederiva
Loris Pederiva has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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Access for everyone
2015-08-21 |
Acesso par tuti
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At the heart of the Ubuntu philosophy is the belief that computing is for everyone. With advanced accessibility tools and options to change language, colour scheme and text size, Ubuntu makes computing easy – whoever and wherever you are.
2015-08-21 |
El computer el ga da esar par tuti: sto chi l'è el cor dela filosofia de Ubuntu. Grasie a strumenti avansai par l'acesibilità e par migliorar lengua, colori e dimensioni testo, Ubuntu rende l'utiliso del computer ala portada de tuti.
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2015-08-21 |
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Make the most of the web
2015-08-21 |
Sfruta el Web più che te pol
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Ubuntu includes Firefox, the web browser used by millions of people around the world. And web applications you use frequently (like Facebook or Gmail, for example) can be pinned to your desktop for faster access, just like apps on your computer.
2015-08-21 |
Ubuntu te permete de navigar grazie a Firefox, el Browser web utilixà da milioni de persone en tuto el mondo. Le to aplicaxioni web preferie, come Facebook o Gmail, ora le pol esare xontà al desktop, come na normal aplicaxion del to computer.
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Firefox web browser
2010-12-15 |
Browser web Firefox
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2015-08-21 |
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2015-08-21 |
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Take your music with you
2015-08-21 |
Tol su la to musica con ti
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Ubuntu comes with the amazing Rhythmbox music player. With advanced playback options, it's simple to queue up the perfect songs. And it works great with CDs and portable music players, so you can enjoy all your music wherever you go.
2015-08-21 |
Ubunto el ga el sorprendente riprodutor multimediale Rhythmbox. Con opxioni de riproduxion avanxae. scoltar la to musica no l'è mai stà cosita facile. El va ala grande co i toi CD e i vari dispositivi portatili, cosita che te poi sempre divertire con la to musica dovunque te ve.
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Everything you need for the office
2015-08-21 |
tuto quel che te serve par l'uficio.
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LibreOffice is a free office suite packed with everything you need to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Compatible with Microsoft Office file formats, it gives you all the features you need, without the price tag.
2015-08-21 |
Libre office l'è 'na suite par l'uficio completa de tuto quel che te pol servir par i to documenti, foi de calcolo e presentasioni. El verxe tuti i formati de Microsoft office e el gà tute le funxioni che te ghè bisogno.
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LibreOffice Writer
2015-08-21 |
LibreOffice Writer
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LibreOffice Calc
2015-08-21 |
Foi de calcolo LibreOffice
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LibreOffice Impress
2015-08-21 |
Presentaxioni de LibreOffice
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Have fun with your photos
2015-08-21 |
Divertete co le to foto
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Shotwell is a handy photo manager that is ready for your gadgets. Connect a camera or a phone to transfer your photos, then it’s easy to share them and keep them safe. If you’re feeling creative, you can try lots of photo apps from the Ubuntu Software Center.
2015-08-21 |
Shotwell l'è un gestor de fotomolto semplice da usar e pronto par i to gadget. Taca la to fotocamera o el to telefono e copia le foto: condividarle no l'è sta mai cosita semplice. Da spaxio al to lato creatio proando le molte aplicaxioni de grafica che te pol catar su Ubuntu Software Center
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Shotwell Photo Manager
2015-08-21 |
Gestor de foto Shotwell
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GIMP Image Editor
2015-08-21 |
GIMP editor de imagini
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Pitivi Video Editor
2015-08-21 |
Editor de video Pitivi
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Find even more software
2015-08-21 |
Cata ancora più software
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Welcome to Ubuntu
2015-08-21 |
Ben rivà in Ubuntu
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Fast and full of new features, the latest version of Ubuntu makes computing easier than ever. Here are just a few cool new things to look out for…
2015-08-21 |
Springo e pien de molte novidà, l'ultima verxion de Ubuntu la rende l'uso del computer ancora più faxile. Eco alcune de le nove carateristiche