Main nano help text
The nano editor is designed to emulate the functionality and ease-of-use of the UW Pico text editor. There are four main sections of the editor. The top line shows the program version, the current filename being edited, and whether or not the file has been modified. Next is the main editor window showing the file being edited. The status line is the third line from the bottom and shows important messages.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Nanon pääohje
Nano-editori on suunniteltu vastaamaan toiminnallisuudeltaan ja helppokäyttöisyydeltään UW Pico -tekstieditoria. Nanossa koostuu neljästä osasta. Ylin rivi näyttää ohjelman versionumeron, muokattavana olevan tiedoston nimen sekä sen, onko tiedostoa muutettu. Seuraavana on pääikkuna, jossa näkyy muokattava tiedosto. Kolmantena alhaalta lukien oleva tilarivi näyttää tärkeät viestit.
Translated by
Lauri Nurmi
Located in
The bottom two lines show the most commonly used shortcuts in the editor.
Shortcuts are written as follows: Control-key sequences are notated with a '^' and can be entered either by using the Ctrl key or pressing the Esc key twice. Meta-key sequences are notated with 'M-' and can be entered using either the Alt, Cmd, or Esc key, depending on your keyboard setup.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in
Also, pressing Esc twice and then typing a three-digit decimal number from 000 to 255 will enter the character with the corresponding value. The following keystrokes are available in the main editor window. Alternative keys are shown in parentheses:
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Lisäksi painamalla Esc-näppäintä kahdesti ja syöttämällä kolmenumeroinen desimaalinen luku väliltä 000..255 saadaan syötettyä lukua vastaava merkki. Seuraavat näppäilyt ovat käytettävissä editorin pääikkunassa. Vaihtoehtoiset näppäimet näytetään sulkeissa:
Translated by
Lauri Nurmi
Located in
Translated by
Lauri Nurmi
Located in
src/help.c:241 src/help.c:313
Key is invalid in view mode
Näppäin on virheellinen katselutilassa
Translated by
Lauri Nurmi
Located in
This function is disabled in restricted mode
Tämä toiminto on poissa käytöstä rajoitetussa tilassa
Translated by
Lauri Nurmi
Located in
Help is not available
Ohjetta ei ole saatavilla
Translated by
Lauri Nurmi
Located in

Buffer written to %s
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.

Puskuri kirjoitettu tiedostoon %s
Translated by
Lauri Nurmi
Located in

Buffer not written to %s : %s
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.

Puskuria ei kirjoitettu tiedostoon %s : %s
Translated by
Jorma Karvonen
Reviewed by
Heidi Mattila
Located in

Buffer not written: %s
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.

Puskuria ei kirjoitettu: %s
Translated by
Sakari Vaelma
Reviewed by
Timo Jyrinki
Located in