Account name:
Nom du compte[nbsp] :
Translated and reviewed by
Emmanuel Sunyer
In upstream: |
Nom du compte:
Suggested by
Thomas Herve
Located in
Registration Key:
Clé d'enregistrement:
Translated by
Thomas Herve
Located in
Don't have an account?
Vous n'avez pas encore de compte[nbsp] ?
Translated and reviewed by
Emmanuel Sunyer
In upstream: |
Vous n'avez pas de compte?
Suggested by
Thomas Herve
Located in
Sign up...
Translated and reviewed by
Emmanuel Sunyer
In upstream: |
Suggested by
Thomas Herve
Located in
Landscape server hostname:
Nom d'hôte du serveur Landscape[nbsp] :
Translated and reviewed by
Emmanuel Sunyer
In upstream: |
Nom d'hôte du serveur Landscape:
Suggested by
Thomas Herve
Located in
If you click "Disable" the Landscape client on this machine will be disabled. You can reenable it later by revisiting this dialog.
Si vous cliquez sur «[nbsp] Désactiver[nbsp] », le client Landscape sera désactivé sur cette machine. Vous pourrez le réactiver plus tard en rouvrant cette fenêtre de dialogue.
Translated by
Havok Novak
Reviewed by
gisele perreault
In upstream: |
Si vous cliquez sur "Désactiver" le client Landscape sera désactivé sur cette machine. Vous pouvez le réactiver plus tard en rouvrant cette fenêtre de dialogue.
Suggested by
Thomas Herve
Located in
Landscape Management Service Preferences
Préférences du service de gestion Landscape
Translated and reviewed by
Havok Novak
Located in
Allow the user to read and write Landscape Client settings.
Autorise l'utilisateur à lire et écrire la configuration du client Landscape.
Translated by
Thomas Herve
Located in
System policy prevents you from reading and writing Landscape Client Settings.
La politique du système vous empêche de lire et d'écrire la configuration du client Landscape.
Translated and reviewed by
Emmanuel Sunyer
In upstream: |
Politique système vous empêchant de lire et d'écrire la configuration du client Landscape.
Suggested by
Thomas Herve
Located in
Landscape client
Client Landscape
Translated by
Thomas Herve
Located in