Translations by Pit Wenkin
Pit Wenkin has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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3. |
Try to make free space
2010-05-25 |
Probéier Späicherplaz fräi ze maachen
5. |
Finished, please press ENTER
2010-05-25 |
Fäerdeg, dréck w.e.g, ENTER
6. |
Repair broken packages
2010-05-25 |
Fléck futtis Päck
7. |
Run in failsafe graphic mode
2011-01-18 |
Am ofgesécherten Grafikmodus starten
9. |
Update grub bootloader
2011-01-13 |
Grub Bootlueder updaten
11. |
Drop to root shell prompt
2011-01-18 |
Bei d'root-Befehlszeil (Shell) wiesselen
43. |
Resume normal boot
2011-01-13 |
Normale Bootvirgang erëm ophuelen