Translations by Sanjog Sigdel
Sanjog Sigdel has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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6. |
Access and organize files
2015-09-16 |
फाइलहरूको पहुँच र संगठन
8. |
Open a New Window
2015-09-16 |
नयाँ सञ्झ्यालमा खोल्नुहोस्
62. |
The location of the file.
2015-09-16 |
फाइल को स्थान।
63. |
Trashed On
2015-09-16 |
रद्दीटोकरीमा फालिएको
64. |
Date when file was moved to the Trash
2015-09-16 |
फाइल रद्दीटोकरीमा राखिएको मिती
66. |
Original location of file before moved to the Trash
2015-09-20 | ||
2015-09-16 |
फाइल रद्दीटोकरीमा राखिनुअघिको मिती
82. |
This file cannot be started
2015-09-16 |
यो फाइल सुरु गर्न सकिँदैन
83. |
This file cannot be stopped
2015-09-16 |
यो फाइल रोकन सकिँदैन