Translations by Chris Coulson
Chris Coulson has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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1111. |
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2009-08-12 |
Gwellvezioù ar son
1247. |
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2009-08-12 |
Gweredekaat an anaout dre roudoù biz
1315. |
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2009-08-12 |
N'hoc'h eus ket droad da vont en drobarzhell. Kit e darempred gant hoc'h ardoer reizhiad.
1326. |
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2009-08-12 |
Mar plij ganeoc'h,kit e darempred gant hoc'h ardoer reizhiad evit skoazell ac'hanout.