Browsing Romanian translation

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These translations are shared with Simple Scan trunk series template simple-scan.

4453 of 144 results
Rotate the page to the right (clockwise)
Tooltip for rotate right (clockwise) button
Rotește pagina la dreapta (în sensul acelor de ceasornic)
Translated and reviewed by Lucian Adrian Grijincu
Located in src/app-window.vala:1916
Rotate Right
Label on rotate page right (clockwise) item
Rotește la dreapta
Translated and reviewed by Lucian Adrian Grijincu
Located in src/simple-scan.ui:771
Crop the selected page
Tooltip for crop button
Decupează pagina selectată
Translated and reviewed by Lucian Adrian Grijincu
Located in src/app-window.vala:1928
Translated and reviewed by Lucian Adrian Grijincu
Located in src/simple-scan.ui:787
Title of preferences dialog
Translated by Dan Telecan
Reviewed by Lucian Adrian Grijincu
Located in src/app-window.vala:1875 src/preferences-dialog.ui:44
Scan S_ource:
Label beside scan source combo box
S_ursă scanare:
Translated and reviewed by Lucian Adrian Grijincu
Located in src/simple-scan.ui:1054
_Text Resolution:
Label beside scan source combo box
Rezoluție _text:
Translated by ValentinV
Reviewed by Lucian Adrian Grijincu
Located in src/simple-scan.ui:1085
_Photo Resolution:
Label beside scan source combo box
Rezoluție _foto :
Translated by ValentinV
Reviewed by Lucian Adrian Grijincu
Located in src/simple-scan.ui:1101
Scan Side:
Label beside scan side combo box
Partea scanată:
Translated and reviewed by Lucian Adrian Grijincu
Located in src/simple-scan.ui:1145
Page Size:
Label beside page size combo box
Dimensiunea paginii:
Translated and reviewed by Lucian Adrian Grijincu
Located in src/simple-scan.ui:1175
4453 of 144 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Romanian Quality Assurance, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Adi Roiban, Angelescu, Claudia Cotună, Dan Telecan, Lucian Adrian Grijincu, Marian Vasile, ValentinV, sfantu.