Translations by Simon Vidmar

Simon Vidmar has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

115 of 15 results
"VGA" has a traditional appearance and has medium coverage of international scripts. "Fixed" has a simplistic appearance and has better coverage of international scripts. "Terminus" may help to reduce eye fatigue, though some symbols have a similar aspect which may be a problem for programmers.
"VGA" ima tradicionalen izgled in srednjo obravnavo mednarodnih skript. "Fixed" ima preprost izgled in srednjo obravnavo mednarodnih skript. "Terminus" lahko zmanjšuje napor oči, čeprav imajo nekateri simboli podobne dimenzije, kar lahko predstavlja problem za programerje.
With some keyboard layouts, AltGr is a modifier key used to input some characters, primarily ones that are unusual for the language of the keyboard layout, such as foreign currency symbols and accented letters. These are often printed as an extra symbol on keys.
Pri nekaterih razporeditvah tipkovnice je AltGr tipka, ki pomaga lažjemu vpisovanju nekaterih posebnih znakov, ponavadi tistih, ki so nenavadni za jezik razporeditve tipkovnice, kot so npr. znaki za tuje valute in naglašene črke. Te so pogosto natisnjene kot dodaten znak na tipkah.
On the text console the Compose key does not work in Unicode mode. If not in Unicode mode, regardless of what you choose here, you can always also use the Control+period combination as a Compose key.
V načinu Unicode tekstovne konzole tipka Compose ne deluje. Če niste v načinu Unicode, lahko za tipko Compose vedno uporabite kombinacijo Control+pika.
The installer failed to download a file from the mirror. This may be a problem with your network, or with the mirror. You can choose to retry the download, select a different mirror, or cancel and choose another installation method.
Namestilniku ni uspelo prenesti datoteke iz zrcalnega strežnika. Lahko da je problem v vašem omrežju ali z zrcalnim strežnikom. Lahko poskusite ponovno prenesti datoteko, izberete drugi zrcalni strežnik ali pa izberete drugi način namestitve.
The size you entered was not understood. Please enter a positive integer size followed by an optional unit of measure (e.g. "200 GB"). The default unit of measure is the megabyte.
Velikost, ki ste jo vpisali, ni bila prepoznana. Prosimo da vpišete pozitivno celo število, ki mu lahko sledi merska enota (npr. "200 GB"). Privzeta merska enota je megabajt.
Reserved BIOS boot area
Rezervirano področje zagona BIOS-a
You have not selected any partitions for use as swap space. Enabling swap space is recommended so that the system can make better use of the available physical memory, and so that it behaves better when physical memory is scarce. You may experience installation problems if you do not have enough physical memory.
Niste izbrali nobenega razdelka za izmenljivi (swap) prostor. Uporaba izmenljivega prostora je priporočljiva zato da lahko sistem bolje izkorišča razpoložlijivi fizični pomnilnik in se bolje obnaša, ko je malo fizičnega pomnilnika. Če nimate dovolj fizičnega pomnilnika, lahko pride do težav med namestitvijo.
The default NTP server is almost always a good choice, but if you prefer to use another NTP server, you can enter it here.
Setting the hardware clock is taking longer than expected. The 'hwclock' program used to set the clock may have problems talking to the hardware clock.
Nastavljanje strojne ure traja dlje, kot je pričakovano. Program 'hwclock', ki se uporablja za nastavljanje ure, ima morda težave pri komuniciranju s strojno uro.
The current kernel doesn't seem to support software RAID (MD) devices. This should be solved by loading the necessary modules.
Kaže da trenutno jedro ne podpira programskih RAID (MD) naprav. To se razrešuje tako, da se naloži ustrezne module.
Please select one of the proposed actions to configure software RAID.
Prosimo, da izberete eno od predlaganih možnosti za nastavitev programskega RAID.
The RAID${LEVEL} array will consist of both active and spare devices. The active devices are those used, while the spare devices will only be used if one or more of the active devices fail. A minimum of ${MINIMUM} active devices is required.
Polje RAID${LEVEL} bo sestavljeno iz aktivnih in rezervnih naprav. Aktivne naprave so tiste, ki so v trenutno uporabi, rezervne naprave pa nadomeščajo aktivne, ko pride do izpada ene ali več aktivnih naprav. Potrebnih je najmanj ${MINIMUM} aktivnih naprav.
Please choose which partitions will be used as spare devices. You may choose up to ${COUNT} partitions. If you choose less than ${COUNT} devices, the remaining partitions will be added to the array as "missing". You will be able to add them to the array later.
Prosimo da izberete katere particije bodo uporabljene kot rezervne naprave. Lahko izberete do ${COUNT} particij. Če izberete manj kot ${COUNT} naprav, bodo preostale particije dodane k polju kot "manjkajoče". K polju jih boste lahko dodali kasneje.
Deleting a software RAID device will stop it and clear the superblock of all its components.
Izbris programske naprave RAID ustavil nato pa počisti superblok vseh njenih komponent.
Encryption configuration actions
Možnosti nastavitve šifriranja