Translations by Rex Tsai

Rex Tsai has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

11 of 1 result
You should have space on your hard disk to create a new disk partition of at least 5 gigabytes to install a standard Ubuntu desktop system or at least 500 megabytes for a minimal server installation. You'll need more disk space to install additional packages, depending on what you wish to do with your new Ubuntu system.
您應該至少要有 5 gigabytes 的硬碟空間,來切割新分割區安裝標準 Ubuntu 桌面,或至少 5 megabytes 安裝最小伺服器版本。依照您的功能需求,您將會需要更多空間來安裝額外套件。