Browsing Finnish translation

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235244 of 410 results
Option[tab][tab]GNU long option[tab][tab]Meaning
[tab] represents a tab character. Please write it exactly the same way, [tab], in your translation.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Valitsin[tab]Pitkä GNU-valitsin[tab]Merkitys
Translated by Lauri Nurmi
Located in src/nano.c:761
[tab] represents a tab character. Please write it exactly the same way, [tab], in your translation.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated and reviewed by Kalle Olavi Niemitalo
Located in src/nano.c:812
Show this message
Näytä tämä ohje
Translated and reviewed by Kalle Olavi Niemitalo
Located in src/nano.c:824
Translated and reviewed by Timo Jyrinki
Located in src/nano.c:815
Start at line LINE, column COLUMN
TRANSLATORS: The next forty or so strings are option descriptions
* for the --help output.  Try to keep them at most 40 characters.
Aloita riviltä RIVI, sarakkeesta SARAKE
Translated by Lauri Nurmi
Located in src/nano.c:818
Enable smart home key
TRANSLATORS: The next forty or so strings are option descriptions
* for the --help output.  Try to keep them at most 40 characters.
Ota käyttöön älykäs Home-näppäin
Translated by Lauri Nurmi
Located in src/nano.c:503
Save backups of existing files
Tallenna varmuuskopiot olemassa olevista tiedostoista
Translated by Lauri Nurmi
Located in src/nano.c:505
-C <dir>
-C <hak>
Translated by Jorma Karvonen
Located in src/nano.c:506
Translated by Jorma Karvonen
Located in src/nano.c:506
Directory for saving unique backup files
Hakemisto uniikkien varmuuskopiotiedostojen tallentamiseen
Translated and reviewed by Jussi Aalto
Located in src/nano.c:507
235244 of 410 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Finnish Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Aapo Rantalainen, Elias Julkunen, Janne Kalliomäki, Jorma Karvonen, Juhani Jenu, Jussi Aalto, Kalle Olavi Niemitalo, Lauri Nurmi, Marko Kervinen, Matti Viljanen, Mika Tapojärvi, Mikko Virkkilä, Nina Kuisma, Petri Järvisalo, Sakari Vaelma, Timo Jyrinki, asdfghjklasdfghjkl.