Translations by Jose Luis

Jose Luis has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
PURPOSE: This test will check that internal speakers work correctly STEPS: 1. Make sure that no external speakers or headphones are connected If testing a desktop, external speakers are allowed 2. Click the Test button to play a brief tone on your audio device VERIFICATION: Did you hear a tone?
PURPOSE: This test will check that headphones connector works correctly STEPS: 1. Connect a pair of headphones to your audio device 2. Click the Test button to play a sound to your audio device VERIFICATION: Did you hear a sound through the headphones and did the sound play without any distortion, clicks or other strange noises from your headphones?
PROPÓSITO: Esta proba verificará que o conector de auriculares funciona correctamente. PASOS: 1. Conectar uns auriculares estéreo no seu equipo 2. Pular o botón Test para reproducir un son polo seu equipo VERIFICACIÓN: Oiu un son sen ningunha distorsión, clicks ou outros ruídos estranos polos seus auriculares?