Translations by karm

karm has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

51100 of 334 results
Can not write to '%s'
Impossibile scriber in '%s'
Its not possible to write to the system directory '%s' on your system. The upgrade can not continue. Please make sure that the system directory is writable.
Il non es possibile scriber al directorio de systema '%s' sur tu systema. Le promotion non pote proceder. Per favor assecura te que le directorio del systema es scribibile.
Il non es possibile scriber al directorio de systema '%s' sur tu systema. Le ajornamento non pote proceder. Per favor face te secur que le directorio del systema es scribibile.
Include latest updates from the Internet?
Includer le plus recente actualisationes ab Internet?
Includer le plus recente ajornamentos ab Internet?
The upgrade system can use the internet to automatically download the latest updates and install them during the upgrade. If you have a network connection this is highly recommended. The upgrade will take longer, but when it is complete, your system will be fully up to date. You can choose not to do this, but you should install the latest updates soon after upgrading. If you answer 'no' here, the network is not used at all.
Le systema de promotion pote usar internet pro discargar automaticamente le plus recente actualisationes e los installar durante le promotion. Si tu ha un connexion de rete isto es altemente recommendate. Le promotion prendera plus longe tempore, ma quando illo es complete, tu systema essera completemente actualisate. Tu pote eliger de non lo facer, ma tu debe installar le plus recente actualisationes cito, post le promotion. Si tu replica 'no' ci, le rete non es usate pro nihil.
Le systema de promotion pote usar internet pro discargar automaticamente le plus recente ajornamentos e installar illos durante le promotion. Si tu ha un connexion de rete isto es altemente recommendate. Le promotion prendera plus longe tempore, ma quando illo es complete, tu systema essera completemente ajornate. Tu pote eliger de non lo facer, ma tu debe installar le plus recente ajornamentos cito, post le promotion. Si tu replica 'no' ci, le rete non es usate pro nihil.
Le systema de ajornamento pote usa internet discargar automaticamente le plus recente ajornamentos e installar illos durante le ajornamento. Si tu ha un connexion de rete isto es altemente recommendate. Le promotion prendera plus longe tempore, ma quando illo es complete, tu systema essera completemente ajornate. Tu poter eliger non facer lo, ma tu debe installar le plus recente ajornamentos cito, post le promotion. Si tu replica 'no' ci, le rete non es usate pro nihil.
Not for humans during development stage of release %s
Non pro humanos durante le grado de disveloppamento del version %s
disabled on upgrade to %s
disactivate sur le promotion a %s
disactivate sur le ajornamento a %s
No valid mirror found
Speculo non valide trovate
While scanning your repository information no mirror entry for the upgrade was found. This can happen if you run an internal mirror or if the mirror information is out of date. Do you want to rewrite your 'sources.list' file anyway? If you choose 'Yes' here it will update all '%s' to '%s' entries. If you select 'No' the upgrade will cancel.
Durante le scansion del information de tu repositorio nulle entrata de speculo pro le promotion ha era trovate. Isto pote evenir si tu face fluer un speculo interne o si le information de speculo es foras de data.. Desira tu rescriber tu file 'sources.list' comocunque? Si tu ci elige 'Si' il sera actualisate tote le entratas '%s' al '%s'. Si tu selige 'No' le promotion essera annullate.
Durante le scansion del information de tu repositorio nulle entrata de speculo pro le ajornamento ha essite trovate. Ce pote occurrer si tu exeque un speculo interne o si le information de speculo es foras de data.. Desira tu rescriber tu file 'sources.list' comocunque? Si tu ci elige 'Ita' illo actualisara tote le entratas '%s' al '%s'. Si tu selige 'No' le ajornamento essera annullate.
Generate default sources?
Generar le fontes predefinite?
After scanning your 'sources.list' no valid entry for '%s' was found. Should default entries for '%s' be added? If you select 'No', the upgrade will cancel.
Post le scansion de tu 'sources.list' nulle entrata valide pro '%s' ha essite trovate. Debe ser addite le entratas predefinite pro '%s'? Si tu elige 'No', le promotion essera cancellate.
Post le scansion de tu 'sources.list' nulle entrata valide pro '%s' ha essite trovate. Debe le entratas predefinite pro '%s' ser addite? Si tu elige 'No', le promotion essera cancellate.
Post le scansion de tu 'sources.list' nulle entrata valide pro '%s' ha essite trovate. Debe le entratas predefinite pro '%s' ser addite? Si tu elige 'No', le ajornamento essera cancellate.
Repository information invalid
Information del repositorio non valide
Upgrading the repository information resulted in a invalid file so a bug reporting process is being started.
Le promotion del information de repositorio resultava in un file invalide, assi un processo de reporto de defecto va ser lanceate.
Le ajornamento del information de repositorio resultava in un file invalide, assi un processo de reporto de defecto va ser lanceate.
Upgrading the repository information resulted in a invalid file. To report a bug install apport and then execute 'apport-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader'.
Le promotion del information de repositorio resultava in un file invalide. Pro reportar un defecto installar apport e pois exequer 'apport-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader'.
Le ajornamento del information de repositorio resultava in un file invalide. Pro reportar un defecto installar apport e pois exequer 'apport-bug ubuntu-release-upgrader'.
Third party sources disabled
Fontes de tertie parte disactivate
Some third party entries in your sources.list were disabled. You can re-enable them after the upgrade with the 'software-properties' tool or your package manager.
Alcun entratas de tertie parte in tu sources.list ha essite disactivate. Tu pote re-activar los post le promotion per le application 'software-properties' o per tu gestor de pacchetto.
Alcun entratas de tertie parte in tu sources.list ha essite disactivate. Tu poter re-activar los post le promotion con le application 'software-properties' o tu gerente de pacchetto.
Alcun entratas de tertie parte in tu sources.list ha essite disactivate. Tu poter re-activar los post le ajornamento con le application 'software-properties' o tu gerente de pacchetto.
Package in inconsistent state
Packages in inconsistent state
Pacchetto in stato inconsistente
Pacchettos in stato inconsistente
The package '%s' is in an inconsistent state and needs to be reinstalled, but no archive can be found for it. Please reinstall the package manually or remove it from the system.
The packages '%s' are in an inconsistent state and need to be reinstalled, but no archive can be found for them. Please reinstall the packages manually or remove them from the system.
Le pacchetto '%s' es in un stato inconsistente e necessita ser reinstallate, ma nulle archivo pote ser trovate pro illo. Per favor reinstallar le pacchetto manualmente o levar lo ab le systema.
Le pacchettos '%s' es in un stato inconsistente e necessita ser reinstallate, ma nulle archivo poter ser trovate pro illos. Per favor reinstallar le pacchettos manualmente o levar illos ab le systema.
Error during update
Error durante le promotion
Error durante le ajornamento
A problem occurred during the update. This is usually some sort of network problem, please check your network connection and retry.
Un problema ha occurrite durante le actualisation. Il ha usualmente alcun genere de problema de rete, per favor controla tu connexion de rete e le re-prova.
Not enough free disk space
Non spatio libere bastante in le disco
The upgrade has aborted. The upgrade needs a total of %s free space on disk '%s'. Please free at least an additional %s of disk space on '%s'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.
Le ajornamento ha abortate. Le ajornamento necessita un total de %s spatio libere sur le disco '%s'. Per favor libera al minus un additional %s de spatio de disco sur le '%s'. Vacua tu immunditia e remove le pacchettos temporanee de precedente installationes per 'sudo apt-get clean'.
Calculating the changes
Calculo del modificationes
Do you want to start the upgrade?
Desira tu initiar le promotion?
Desira tu initiar le ajornamento?
Upgrade canceled
Promotion cancellate
Ajornamento cancellate
The upgrade will cancel now and the original system state will be restored. You can resume the upgrade at a later time.
Le promotion essera annullate nunc e le stato del systema original essera restaurate. Tu pote resumer le ajornamento a un tempore successive.
Le ajornamento essera annullate nunc e le stato del systema original essera restaurate. Tu pote resumer le ajornamento a un tempore successive.
Could not download the upgrades
Impossibile discargar le promotiones
Impossibile discargar le ajornamentos
The upgrade has aborted. Please check your Internet connection or installation media and try again. All files downloaded so far have been kept.
Le promotion ha abortate. Per favor controla tu connexion a internet o tu medios de installation e reproba. Tote le files discargate adhuc, ha essite mantenite.
Le promotion ha abortate. Per favor controla tu connexion Internet o tu medios de installation e reproba. Tote le files discargate adhuc, ha essite mantenite.
Le ajornamento ha abortate. Per favor controla tu connexion Internet o tu medios de installation e reproba. Tote le files discargate adhuc, ha essite mantenite.
Error during commit
Error durante le commission
Restoring original system state
Restauration del stato del systema originari
Could not install the upgrades
Impossibile installar le promotiones
Impossibile installar le ajornamentos