Translations by Joel Pickett

Joel Pickett has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13511359 of 1359 results
Cull bad and shunt queues, recommended once per day. This script goes through the 'bad' and 'shunt' queue directories and, if mm_cfg.BAD_SHUNT_STALE_AFTER is > 0, it removes all files more than that many seconds old. If mm_cfg.BAD_SHUNT_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY is a writable directory, the old files are moved there. Otherwise they are deleted. Only regular files immediately subordinate to the 'bad' and 'shunt' directories are processed. Anything else is skipped. Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] Options: -h / --help Print this message and exit.
Cull bad and shunt queues, recommended once per day. This script goes through the 'bad' and 'shunt' queue directories and, if mm_cfg.BAD_SHUNT_STALE_AFTER is > 0, it removes all files more than that many seconds old. If mm_cfg.BAD_SHUNT_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY is a writeable directory, the old files are moved there. Otherwise they are deleted. Only regular files immediately subordinate to the 'bad' and 'shunt' directories are processed. Anything else is skipped. Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] Options: -h / --help Print this message and exit.
Process disabled members, recommended once per day. This script cruises through every mailing list looking for members whose delivery is disabled. If they have been disabled due to bounces, they will receive another notification, or they may be removed if they've received the maximum number of notifications. Use the --byadmin, --byuser, and --unknown flags to also send notifications to members whose accounts have been disabled for those reasons. Use --all to send the notification to all disabled members. Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] Options: -h / --help Print this message and exit. -o / --byadmin Also send notifications to any member disabled by the list owner/administrator. -m / --byuser Also send notifications to any member disabled by themselves. -u / --unknown Also send notifications to any member disabled for unknown reasons (usually a legacy disabled address). -b / --notbybounce Don't send notifications to members disabled because of bounces (the default is to notify bounce disabled members). -a / --all Send notifications to all disabled members. -f / --force Send notifications to disabled members even if they're not due a new notification yet. -l listname --listname=listname Process only the given list, otherwise do all lists.
Process disabled members, recommended once per day. This script cruises through every mailing list looking for members whose delivery is disabled. If they have been disabled due to bounces, they will receive another notification, or they may be removed if they've received the maximum number of notifications. Use the --byadmin, --byuser, and --unknown flags to also send notifications to members whose accounts have been disabled for those reasons. Use --all to send the notification to all disabled members. Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] Options: -h / --help Print this message and exit. -o / --byadmin Also send notifications to any member disabled by the list owner/administrator. -m / --byuser Also send notifications to any member disabled by themselves. -u / --unknown Also send notifications to any member disabled for unknown reasons (usually a legacy disabled address). -b / --notbybounce Don't send notifications to members disabled because of bounces (the default is to notify bounce disabled members). -a / --all Send notifications to all disabled members. -f / --force Send notifications to disabled members even if they're not due a new notification yet. -l listname --listname=listname Process only the given list, otherwise do all lists.
[disabled by periodic sweep and cull, no message available]
[disabled by periodic sweep and cull, no message available]
Poll the NNTP servers for messages to be gatewayed to mailing lists. Usage: gate_news [options] Where options are --help -h Print this text and exit.
Poll the NNTP servers for messages to be gatewayed to mailing lists. Usage: gate_news [options] Where options are --help -h Print this text and exit.
Send password reminders for all lists to all users. This program scans all mailing lists and collects users and their passwords, grouped by the list's host_name if mm_cfg.VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW is true. Then one email message is sent to each unique user (per-virtual host) containing the list passwords and options url for the user. The password reminder comes from the mm_cfg.MAILMAN_SITE_LIST, which must exist. Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] Options: -l listname --listname=listname Send password reminders for the named list only. If omitted, reminders are sent for all lists. Multiple -l/--listname options are allowed. -h/--help Print this message and exit.
Send password reminders for all lists to all users. This program scans all mailing lists and collects users and their passwords, grouped by the list's host_name if mm_cfg.VIRTUAL_HOST_OVERVIEW is true. Then one email message is sent to each unique user (per-virtual host) containing the list passwords and options url for the user. The password reminder comes from the mm_cfg.MAILMAN_SITE_LIST, which must exist. Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] Options: -l listname --listname=listname Send password reminders for the named list only. If omitted, reminders are sent for all lists. Multiple -l/--listname options are allowed. -h/--help Print this message and exit.
Password // URL
Password // URL
%(host)s mailing list memberships reminder
%(host)s mailing list memberships reminder
Re-generate the Pipermail gzip'd archive flat files. This script should be run nightly from cron. When run from the command line, the following usage is understood: Usage: %(program)s [-v] [-h] [listnames] Where: --verbose -v print each file as it's being gzip'd --help -h print this message and exit listnames Optionally, only compress the .txt files for the named lists. Without this, all archivable lists are processed.
Re-generate the Pipermail gzip'd archive flat files. This script should be run nightly from cron. When run from the command line, the following usage is understood: Usage: %(program)s [-v] [-h] [listnames] Where: --verbose -v print each file as it's being gzip'd --help -h print this message and exit listnames Optionally, only compress the .txt files for the named lists. Without this, all archiveable lists are processed.
Dispatch digests for lists w/pending messages and digest_send_periodic set. Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] Options: -h / --help Print this message and exit. -l listname --listname=listname Send the digest for the given list only, otherwise the digests for all lists are sent out.
Dispatch digests for lists w/pending messages and digest_send_periodic set. Usage: %(PROGRAM)s [options] Options: -h / --help Print this message and exit. -l listname --listname=listname Send the digest for the given list only, otherwise the digests for all lists are sent out.