Translations by liz

liz has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
Record your encryption passphrase
To encrypt your home directory or "Private" folder, a strong passphrase has been automatically generated. Usually your directory is unlocked with your user password, but if you ever need to manually recover this directory, you will need this passphrase. Please print or write it down and store it in a safe location. If you click "Run this action now", enter your login password at the "Passphrase" prompt and you can display your randomly generated passphrase. Otherwise, you will need to run "ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase" from the command line to retrieve and record your generated passphrase.
为了加密您的主目录或“私人”文件夹,一个强口令已经被自动创建。一般情况下,您的目录会依据您的用户密码解锁;但如果您要手动恢复该目录,您将需要这个口令。请将口令打印或抄写下来,并妥善保存。点击“Run this action now”,并在提示中输入登录密码,您就能查看随机创建的口令。之后,您必须在终端中运行“ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase”,以再次查看并记录您的口令。