Translations by Dražen Matešić

Dražen Matešić has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

110 of 10 results
Need to get %sB/%sB of archives.
Pridobiti je treba %sB/%sB arhivov.
Need to get %sB of archives.
Pridobiti je treba %sB arhivov.
Failed to fetch %s %s
Ni mogoče pridobiti %s %s
Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
Nekaterih arhivov ni mogoče pridobiti. Poskusite uporabiti ukaz apt-get update ali --fix-missing.
Need to get %sB/%sB of source archives.
Pridobiti je treba %sB/%sB izvornih arhivov.
Need to get %sB of source archives.
Pridobiti je treba %sB izvornih arhivov.
Fetch source %s
Pridobi vir %s
Usage: apt-get [options] command apt-get [options] install|remove pkg1 [pkg2 ...] apt-get [options] source pkg1 [pkg2 ...] apt-get is a simple command line interface for downloading and installing packages. The most frequently used commands are update and install. Commands: update - Retrieve new lists of packages upgrade - Perform an upgrade install - Install new packages (pkg is libc6 not libc6.deb) remove - Remove packages autoremove - Remove automatically all unused packages purge - Remove packages and config files source - Download source archives build-dep - Configure build-dependencies for source packages dist-upgrade - Distribution upgrade, see apt-get(8) dselect-upgrade - Follow dselect selections clean - Erase downloaded archive files autoclean - Erase old downloaded archive files check - Verify that there are no broken dependencies changelog - Download and display the changelog for the given package download - Download the binary package into the current directory Options: -h This help text. -q Loggable output - no progress indicator -qq No output except for errors -d Download only - do NOT install or unpack archives -s No-act. Perform ordering simulation -y Assume Yes to all queries and do not prompt -f Attempt to correct a system with broken dependencies in place -m Attempt to continue if archives are unlocatable -u Show a list of upgraded packages as well -b Build the source package after fetching it -V Show verbose version numbers -c=? Read this configuration file -o=? Set an arbitrary configuration option, eg -o dir::cache=/tmp See the apt-get(8), sources.list(5) and apt.conf(5) manual pages for more information and options. This APT has Super Cow Powers.
Uporaba: apt-get [možnosti] ukaz apt-get [možnosti] install|remove paket1 [paket2 ...] apt-get [možnosti] source paket1 [paket2 ...] apt-get je enostaven vmesnik ukazne vrstice za prejem in nameščanje paketov. Najbolj pogosto uporabljana ukaza sta update in install. Ukazi: update - Pridobi nove sezname paketov upgrade - Izvedi nadgradnjo install - Namesti nove pakete (paket je libc6, ne libc6.deb) remove - Odstrani pakete autoremove - Samodejno odstrani vse neuporabljene pakete purge - Odstrani pakete in nastavitvene datoteke source - Prejmi arhive izvorne kode build-dep - Nastavi odvisnosti gradnje za paket izvorne kode dist-upgrade - Nadgradnja distribucije, oglejte si apt-get(8) dselect-upgrade - Sledi izbiri dselect clean - Izbriši prejete datoteke arhivov autoclean - Izbriše stare prejete datoteke arhivov check - Preveri, da ni pokvarjenih odvisnosti changelog - Prejmi in prikaže dnevnik sprememb za dani paket download - Prejmi binarni paket v trenutno mapo Možnosti: -h To besedilo pomoči. -q Izhod se beleži - brez kazalnika napredka -qq Ni izhoda razen napak -d Le prejmi - NE nameščaj ali odpakiraj arhivov -s Ne naredi ničesar. Izvedi simulacijo ukaza -y Predpostavi Da vsem poizvedbam in ne pozivaj -f Poskusi popraviti sistem s pokvarjenimi odvisnostmi -m Poskusi nadaljevati, če arhivov ni mogoče najti -u Pokaži tudi seznam nadgrajenih paketov -b Po pridobitvi izgradi izvorni paket -V Pokaži podrobne številke različic -c=? Preberi to nastavitveno datoteko -o=? Nastavi poljubno nastavitveno možnost, na primer -o dir::cache=/tmp Za več podrobnosti in možnosti si oglejte strani priročnikov apt-get(8), sources.list(5) in apt.conf(5). Ta APT ima moči super krav.
%c%s... Done
%c%s ... Končano.