Translations by Michael Garrido Saucedo - Xander21c

Michael Garrido Saucedo - Xander21c has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
Libvirt was just installed, so the 'libvirtd' service will will need to be started. virt-manager will connect to libvirt on the next application start up.
Libvirt ha sido instalada, por ende el servicio "libvirtd" necesita reiniciarse virt-manager se conectar usuando libvirt cuando vuelva iniciar la aplicación
The domain could not be restored. Would you like to remove the saved state and perform a regular start up?
El dominio no pudo restaurarse, ¿Le gustaría quitar el estado guardado y realizar un inicio normal?
<small>Specifying an operating system is required for best performance</small>
<small>Se requiere que especifique el Sistema Operativo para un mejor desempeño</small>