Translations by Pit Wenkin

Pit Wenkin has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

19 of 9 results
Main server
Server for %s
Server fir %s
Custom servers
Benotzerdefinéierten Server
The package '%s' is in an inconsistent state and needs to be reinstalled, but no archive can be found for it. Do you want to remove this package now to continue?
The packages '%s' are in an inconsistent state and need to be reinstalled, but no archives can be found for them. Do you want to remove these packages now to continue?
De Pak '%s' ass inkonsistent a muss frësch installéiert ginn, mä et ka keen Archiv fonnt ginn. Wëll Dir dëse Pak läsche fir weiderzefueren?
D'Päck '%s' sinn inkonsistent a musse frësch installéiert ginn, mä et kennen keng Archiver fonnt ginn. Wëll Dir dës Päck läsche fir weiderzefueren?
There was a error adding the CD, the upgrade will abort. Please report this as a bug if this is a valid Ubuntu CD. The error message was: '%s'
Et ass ee Fehler beim Bäifügen vun der CD geschitt, den Upgrade gëtt ofgebrach. Mellt dëst w.e.g. als Feler falls et eng gülteg Ubuntu CD ass. D'Fehlermeldung wor: '%s'
Remove package in bad state
Remove packages in bad state
Feelerhafte Pak läschen
Feelerhaft Päck läschen
Unable to locate any package files, perhaps this is not a Ubuntu Disc or the wrong architecture?
Et wor net méiglech ee Pak ze fannen, villäicht ass dëst keng Ubuntu CD oder et ass di falsch Architektur.
_Install Now
Elo _installalléieren