Translations by costales

costales has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

150 of 96 results
Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.
Executar 'do-release-upgrade' p'anovase a élli.
Run in a special upgrade mode. Currently 'desktop' for regular upgrades of a desktop system and 'server' for server systems are supported.
Executar nún mou especial d'anovamientu. Anguaño sofiténse los modos «desktop» (p'anovamientos normales d'un sistema d'escritoriu) y «server» (pa sirvidores).
Running partial upgrade
Executando un anovamientu parcial
Update Manager
Xestor d'anovamientos
An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade. Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:
Hebo un fallu que nun ye dable de correxir cuando se calculaba l'anovación. Por favor, informe d'ésto como un fallu nel paquete «update-manager» ya incluya'l siguiente mensax de fallu:
To finish the upgrade, a restart is required. If you select 'y' the system will be restarted.
Pa finar l'anovamientu necesítase reaniciar. Si seleiciona «s» el sistema reaniciará.
Software updates correct errors, eliminate security vulnerabilities and provide new features.
Les anovaciones de software corrixen fallos, desanicien vulnerabilidaes de seguridá y proporcionen nueves funcionalidaes.
Fetching the upgrade failed. There may be a network problem.
Falló la baxada del anovamientu. Pue haber un problema cola rede.
Verifying the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.
Falló la verificación del anovamientu. Pue haber un problema cola rede o col sirvidor.
Extracting the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.
Falló la extraición del anovamientu. Pue haber un problema cola rede o col sirvidor.
Upgrade tool
Ferramienta d'anovación
Upgrade tool signature
Robla de la ferramienta d'anovación
Could not run the upgrade tool
Nun pudo executase la ferramienta d'anovación
Can not run the upgrade
Nun pue executase l'anovamientu
Authenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.
Falló l'autenticación del anovamientu. Ye dable qu'heba un problema cola rede o col sirvidor.
There are no upgrades available for your system. The upgrade will now be canceled.
Nun hai anovaciones disponibles pal so sistema. Encaboxóse l'anovamientu.
<b><big>Restart the system to complete the upgrade</big></b>
<b><big>Reanicie'l sistema pa completar l'anovamientu</big></b>
<b><big>Cancel the running upgrade?</big></b> The system could be in an unusable state if you cancel the upgrade. You are strongly advised to resume the upgrade.
<b><big>¿Encaboxar l'anovamientu en cursu?</big></b> El sistema podría quedar nun estáu non usable si encaboxa l'anovamientu. Encamentámos-y que continúe l'anovamientu.
Cancel Upgrade?
¿Encaboxar l'anovamientu?
System upgrade is complete.
anovamientu del sistema completáu
The partial upgrade was completed.
L'anovamientu parcial completóse.
Perform a partial upgrade only (no sources.list rewriting)
Facer namái un anovamientu parcial (nun se reescribirá el «sources.list»)
Upgrading may reduce desktop effects, and performance in games and other graphically intensive programs.
L'anovamientu pue amenorgar los efeutos d'escritoriu, asina como'l rendimiento de los xuegos y otros programes qu'usen gráficos de mou intensivu.
Use the given path to search for a cdrom with upgradable packages
Usar la ruta pa guetar un cdrom con paquetes d'anovación
Your system uses the 'evms' volume manager in /proc/mounts. The 'evms' software is no longer supported, please switch it off and run the upgrade again when this is done.
El to sistema ta usando'l xestor de volúmenes «evms» en /proc/mounts. El software «evms» yá nun ta sofitáu; por favor, desactívalu y torna a executar de nuevo l'anovamientu.
Upgrade complete
Anovamientu completáu
Could not install the upgrades
Nun pudieron instalase les anovaciones
Getting upgrade prerequisites failed
Falló la tresna del anovamientu
Preparing the upgrade failed
Falló la tresna del anovamientu
Some third party entries in your sources.list were disabled. You can re-enable them after the upgrade with the 'software-properties' tool or your package manager.
Desautiváronse delles entraes d'otros proveedores nel so «sources.list». Pue tornar a activales tres l'anovamientu cola ferramienta «Oríxenes del software», o col so xestor de paquetes.
Updating repository information
Anovando información del repositoriu
Error during update
Error durante l'anovamientu
A problem occurred during the update. This is usually some sort of network problem, please check your network connection and retry.
Hebo un fallu durante l'anovamientu. Davezu suel ser un tipu de problema na rede, polo que-y encamentamos que comprebe la so conexón de rede y torne a tentalo.
Do you want to start the upgrade?
¿Quies entamar l'anovamientu?
Could not download the upgrades
Nun puen descargase les anovaciones
The upgrade system can use the internet to automatically download the latest updates and install them during the upgrade. If you have a network connection this is highly recommended. The upgrade will take longer, but when it is complete, your system will be fully up to date. You can choose not to do this, but you should install the latest updates soon after upgrading. If you answer 'no' here, the network is not used at all.
El sistema d'anovamientu a una nueva versión pue usar Internet pa baxar automáticamente los anovamientos más recientes ya instalalos durante'l procesu. Si dispón d'una conexón a la rede, esto encamiéntase enforma. L'anovamientu llevará más tiempu, pero una vegada fináu, el sistema tará dafechu anováu. Pue elexir nun facelo, pero tendrá d'instalar les nueves actualizaciones xusto dempués de pasar a la nueva versión. Si respuende «non» agora, la rede nun s'usará pa res.
An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: %s This can be caused by: * Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu * Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu
Hebo un problema ensin solución al calcular l'anovamientu: %s L'orixe pue ser por cuenta de: * Anovar a una versión pre-llanzamientu d'Ubuntu * Tener ya instalada la versión pre-llanzamientu actual d'Ubuntu * Paquetes de software non oficiales que Ubuntu nun ufre
The upgrade can not continue with that package installed. Please remove it with synaptic or 'apt-get remove debsig-verify' first and run the upgrade again.
L'anovamientu nun pue siguir con esi paquete instaláu. Desinstálelu con synaptic o «apt-get remove debsig-verify» primero y llueu tente d'anovar otra vegada.
Try upgrading to the latest release using the upgrader from $distro-proposed
Tente d'anovar a la cabera versión usando l'anovador de $distro-proposed
Upgrade: %s
Anovar: %s
Upgrade %s
Anovar %s
An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: %s This can be caused by: * Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu * Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu
Hubo un problema ensin solución al calcular l'anovación: %s L'orixe pue ser por cuenta de: * Anovar a una versión pre-llanzamientu d'Ubuntu * Tener ya instalada la versión pre-llanzamientu actual d'Ubuntu * Paquetes de software non oficiales que Ubuntu nun ufre
_Install Updates
_Istalar autualizaciones
Istalar autualizaciones
Updating repository information
Actualizando información del repositoriu