Translations by Flames_in_Paradise

Flames_in_Paradise has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

14 of 4 results
The <em>KDE Software Compilation</em> has quite a few games ranging from card games to logic games and board games.
The <em>KDE Applications</em> have quite a few games, ranging from card games to logic games and board games.
The <em>KDE Applcations</em> have quite a few games, ranging from card games to logic games and board games.
The <em>KDE KF5 Applications </em> have quite a few games, ranging from card games to logic games and board games.
The <em>KDE Applications Frameworks</em> has quite a few games ranging from card games to logic games and board games.