Translations by Janez Gačnik

Janez Gačnik has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
A critical error occurred during %s execution, and it was not properly reported to our bug tracker. Please, copy the error message bellow and report it on our bug tracker. The following error message was NOT reported: %s
Med izvajanjem %s je prišlo do kritične napake, ki na sladilnik hroščev ni bila pravilno javljena. Prosimo, če lahko prekopirate spodnje poročilo o napaki in ga javite na naš sledilnik hroščev. Naslednje poročilo o napaki NI bilo javljeno: %s
Specify a scan result file in Nmap XML output format. Can be used more than once to specify several scan result files.
No module named dbapi2.pysqlite2 or sqlite3
Ni modula z imenom dbapi2.pysqlite2 ali sqlite3