Translations by Anthony Harrington

Anthony Harrington has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

251262 of 262 results
Can't process file /sbin/losetup
Can't process file /sbin/losetup
Can't determine architecture, assuming i386
Can't determine architecture, assuming i386...
Architecture not yet supported (FIXME)
Architecture not yet supported (FIXME)
You have placed some preseeding files into config/binary_debian-installer but you didn't specify the default preseeding file through LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER_PRESEEDFILE. This means that debian-installer will not take up a preseeding file by default.
You have placed some preseeding files into config/binary_debian-installer but you didn't specify the default preseeding file through LB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER_PRESEEDFILE. This means that debian-installer will not take up a preseeding file by default.
You selected LB_DISTRIBUTION='etch' and LB_INITRAMFS='live-initramfs' This is a possible unsafe configuration as live-initramfs is not part of the etch distribution. Either make sure that live-initramfs is installable (e.g. through setting up etch-backports repository as third-party source or putting a valid live-initramfs deb into config/chroot_local-packages) or switch change your config to etch default (casper).
You selected LB_DISTRIBUTION='etch' and LB_INITRAMFS='live-initramfs'. This is possibly an unsafe configuration as live-initramfs is not part of the etch distribution. Either make sure that live-initramfs is installable (e.g. through setting up etch-backports repository as third-party source or putting a valid live-initramfs deb into config/chroot_local-packages) or change your config to etch default (casper).
You selected LB_DISTRIBUTION='etch' and LB_UNION_FILESYSTEM='aufs' This is a possible unsafe configuration as aufs is not part of the etch distribution. Either make sure that aufs modules for your kernel are installable (e.g. through setting up etch-backports repository as third-party source or putting a valid aufs-modules deb into config/chroot_local-packages) or switch change your config to etch default (unionfs).
You selected LB_DISTRIBUTION='etch' and LB_UNION_FILESYSTEM='aufs'. This is possibly an unsafe configuration as aufs is not part of the etch distribution. Either make sure that aufs modules for your kernel are installable (e.g. through setting up etch-backports repository as third-party source or putting a valid aufs-modules deb into config/chroot_local-packages) or change your config to etch default (unionfs).
You selected LB_PACKAGES_LISTS='%s' and LB_APT='aptitude'
You selected LB_PACKAGES_LISTS='%s' and LB_APT='aptitude'
You have selected values of LB_CACHE, LB_CACHE_PACKAGES, LB_CACHE_STAGES an dLB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER which will result in 'bootstrap' packages not being cached. This is a possible unsafe configuration as the bootstrap packages are re-used when integrating the Debian Installer.
You have selected values of LB_CACHE, LB_CACHE_PACKAGES, LB_CACHE_STAGES an dLB_DEBIAN_INSTALLER which will result in 'bootstrap' packages not being cached. This is possibly an unsafe configuration as the bootstrap packages are re-used when integrating the Debian Installer.
You have selected values of LB_BOOTLOADER and LB_BINARY_FILESYSTEM which are incompatible - syslinux only supports FAT filesystems.
You have selected values of LB_BOOTLOADER and LB_BINARY_FILESYSTEM which are incompatible - syslinux only supports FAT filesystems.
You have selected a combination of bootloader and image type that is currently not supported by live-helper. Please use either another bootloader or a different image type.
You have selected a combination of bootloader and image type that is currently not supported by live-helper. Please use either another bootloader or a different image type.
templates not accessible in %s nor config/templates
templates not accessible in %s nor config/templates
%s templates not accessible in %s
%s templates not accessible in %s