Translations by Andreas Wenning

Andreas Wenning has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
After 10-20 reformats the media might become unusable.
El suport podria tornar-s'inusable després de 10-20 reformatacions.
XviD is a primary competitor of DivX (XviD being DivX spelled backwards). While DivX is closed source and may only run on Windows, Mac OS and Linux, XviD is open source and can potentially run on any platform.
XviD és el competidor principal del DivX (XviD és DivX a l'inrevés). Mentre que el DivX és propietari i només s'executa en Windows, Mac OS i Linux, XviD és de codi obert i pot executar-s'a qualsevol plataforma.