Translations by Jeremy Bícha

Jeremy Bícha has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

11 of 1 result
Often, a mounted volume is called a <em>partition</em>, though they are not necessarily the same thing. A “partition” refers to a <em>physical</em> area of storage on a single disk drive. Once a partition has been mounted, it can be referred to as a volume because you can access the files on it. You can think of volumes as the labeled, accessible “storefronts” to the functional “back rooms” of partitions and drives.
Spesso, un volume montato è chiamato anche <em>partizione</em>, sebbene non sia necessariamente la stessa cosa. Una "partizione" si riferisce a un'area <em>fisica</em> su un singolo disco. Una volta montata la partizione, può essere intesa come un volume poiché è possibile accedere ai file.