Simple and easy to use note-taking
Aplicación simple y fácil de usar para tomar notas
Translated by
Jorge González
Reviewed by
Jorge González
In upstream: |
Toma de notas simple y fácil de usar
Suggested by
Fco. Javier Serrador
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Enable Middle-Click Paste On Icon.
Activar pegar con el botón del medio del ratón.
Translated by
Jorge González
Reviewed by
Paco Molinero
Located in
Enable Tray Icon
Activar icono de la bandeja de notificación
Translated by
Jorge González
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Enable WikiWord highlighting
Activar resaltado de WikiPalabras
Translated and reviewed by
Jorge González
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Minimum number of notes to show in menu
Número mínimo de nostas a mostrar en el menú
Translated by
Jorge González
Reviewed by
Jorge González
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Whitespace-separated list of note URIs for notes that should always appear in the Tomboy note menu.
Lista separada por espacios en blanco de URI de nostas para las notas que deberían aparecer en el menú de notas de Tomboy.
Translated by
Jorge González
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Translated and reviewed by
Jorge González
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Delete the selected note
Borrar la nota seleccionada
Translated and reviewed by
Jorge González
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Delete Note_book
Borrar cua_derno de notas
Translated by
Jorge González
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Delete the selected notebook
Borrar el cuaderno de notas seleccionado
Translated by
Jorge González
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