Recovery Menu
Menú de recuperación
Translated and reviewed by
Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
Located in
Resume normal boot
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Continuar con el arranque normal
Translated by
Paco Molinero
Reviewed by
Paco Molinero
Located in
Couldn't find whiptail, starting root shell instead of recovery menu.
No se pudo encontrar whiptail, iniciando consola de administrador en lugar del menú de recuperación.
Translated and reviewed by
Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
Located in
Repair broken packages
Reparar paquetes rotos
Translated by
Reviewed by
Paco Molinero
Located in
Finished, please press ENTER
Finalizado, ahora pulse Intro
Translated by
Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
Reviewed by
Paco Molinero
Located in
../lib/recovery-mode/options/clean:16 ../lib/recovery-mode/options/dpkg:41
../lib/recovery-mode/options/grub:16 ../lib/recovery-mode/recovery-menu:84
Reboot into file system check
Reiniciar en la comprobación del sistema de archivos
Translated and reviewed by
Ricardo Pérez López
Located in
Drop to root shell prompt
Consola de superusuario
Translated and reviewed by
Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
Located in
Run in failsafe graphic mode
Iniciar en modo gráfico seguro
Translated and reviewed by
Ricardo Pérez López
Located in
Drop to root shell prompt with networking
Pasar a un intérprete de órdenes con funciones de red
Translated and reviewed by
Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
Located in
Update grub bootloader
Actualizar el cargador de arranque grub
Translated and reviewed by
Paco Molinero
Located in