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121130 of 219 results
invalid expression; I was expecting to find a ')' somewhere but did not see one.
expression non valide[nbsp]; «[nbsp])[nbsp]» attendue mais non détectée.
Translated by Frédéric Marchal
Located in find/tree.c:202
oops -- invalid expression type!
Oups -- type d'expression non valide[nbsp]!
Translated by Frédéric Marchal
Located in find/tree.c:209 find/tree.c:837
oops -- invalid expression type (%d)!
Oups -- type (%d) de l'expression non valide[nbsp]!
Translated by Frédéric Marchal
Located in find/tree.c:281
paths must precede expression: %s
les chemins doivent précéder l'expression[nbsp]: %s
Translated by Michaël Delache
Located in find/tree.c:1279
unknown predicate `%s'
prédicat inconnu «[nbsp]%s[nbsp]»
Translated by Frédéric Marchal
Located in find/tree.c:1300
invalid predicate `%s'
prédicat non valide «[nbsp]%s[nbsp]»
Translated by Frédéric Marchal
Located in find/tree.c:1320
invalid argument `%s' to `%s'
paramètre non valide «[nbsp]%s[nbsp]» pour «[nbsp]%s[nbsp]»
Translated by Frédéric Marchal
Located in find/tree.c:1324
missing argument to `%s'
paramètre manquant pour «[nbsp]%s[nbsp]»
Translated and reviewed by Jean-Marc
In upstream:
Paramètre manquant pour « %s »
Suggested by Michel Robitaille
Located in find/tree.c:1331
you have too many ')'
il y a trop de «[nbsp])[nbsp]»
Translated by Frédéric Marchal
Located in find/tree.c:1407
unexpected extra predicate '%s'
prédicat supplémentaire inattendu «[nbsp]%s[nbsp]»
Translated by Frédéric Marchal
Located in find/tree.c:1413
121130 of 219 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu French Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Arnaud Soyez, Claude Paroz, FredBezies, Frederic Manceau, Frédéric Marchal, Jean-Marc, Kaïs Bejaoui, Michaël Delache, Michel Boisset, Michel D'HOOGE, Michel Robitaille, NSV, Nicolas Provost, Olivier Mengué, P, Pascal Havet, Pierre Slamich, Rik, Rénald Wittemberg, Schplurtz le déboulonné, Tristan Cragnolini, hardball, ignace72, michael mestre.