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Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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%s (%s )
%s (%s )
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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An application is attempting to perform an action that requires privileges. Authentication as one of the users below is required to perform this action.
'N toepassing poog om 'n aksie te doen wat voorregte vereis. Stawing as een van die gebruikers hieronder word vereis om hierdie aksie uit te voer.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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An application is attempting to perform an action that requires privileges. Authentication is required to perform this action.
'N toepassing poog om 'n aksie te doen wat voorregte vereis. Outentisering word vereis om hierdie aksie uit te voer.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
Located in
An application is attempting to perform an action that requires privileges. Authentication as the super user is required to perform this action.
'N toepassing poog om 'n aksie te doen wat voorregte vereis. Outentisering as die Super gebruiker is nodig om hierdie aksie uit te voer.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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Click to edit %s
Klik om redigeer %s
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Stafford
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