Translations by Marci-Qibot

Marci-Qibot has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

14 of 4 results
Credits and License
Creditu i Losensia
This document is maintained by the Ubuntu documentation team ( For a list of contributors, see the <ulink url="../../libs/C/contributors.xml">contributors page</ulink>
Dokumentasaun ne'e mantein husi Team Dokumentasaun Ubuntu nian ( Atu hare kontributor sira , visita <ulink url="../../libs/C/contributors.xml">pagina kontirbutor sira</ulink>
Ubuntu Documentation Project
Dokumentasaun Projeitu Ubuntu Nian
A template is a pre-formatted page in which the content, title and so on can be edited without further formatting. Many documents follow a set style and so it can be useful to have a <emphasis>template</emphasis> of a particular type of document. Many templates are available from the Internet.
Template ne'e hanesan pre-formata pagina ida nebe nia kontextu, titulu no seluk tan bele deit atu edit sem halo formatar ba pagina ne'e tan. Dokumentus barak mak tuir stilu nebe iha ona nune'e bele fungsiona atu hetan <emphasis>template ida</emphasis> husi dokumentu spesifiku ida. Template barak mak iha Internet.