Translations by PeihanJhan

PeihanJhan has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

16 of 6 results
Use the Application Finder (under Applications → Accessories) to launch any program on your system – one you lost on the menu or even one you didn't know existed!
使用應用程式搜器 (你可以在 Applications → Accessories 裡找到它) 來執行任何你系統裡的程式 - 就算是不在選單內或是你根本不知道有它的存在的程式都可以執行!
To learn more about Xfce, look in <em>Applications &rarr; About Xfce &rarr; Info</em> or on the <a href="">Xfce website</a>.
To learn more about Xfce, look in <em>Applications &rarr; About Xfce &rarr; Info</em> or on the <a href="">Xfce website</a>. 想更深入瞭解 Xfce 嗎? 請參見 <em>Applications &rarr; 關於 Xfce &rarr; 詳情</em> 或是直接到 <a href="">Xfce 官方網站</a>.
After the installation completes, take a few minutes, hours, or even days to try out the new software. We think you will be amazed at the few things you need to add.
If you find yourself wanting something else, please check the <em>Ubuntu Software Center</em> out. It is much easier than searching the internet.
若您有其他的軟體需求,請到<em> Ubuntu 軟體中心</em> 去逛一逛。這比搜尋網路要簡單多了
For power users, the suite is available in just a few clicks – just install it from the Ubuntu Software Center.
若想安裝 套件,你可以在 Ubuntu 軟體中心找到它 - 只要簡單的按幾下滑鼠就可以完成安裝。
Since you are installing this software using the Xubuntu Desktop CD, feel free to examine things as it installs. After the installation, the desktop will look much the same as it does now.
Since you are installing this software using the Xubuntu Desktop CD, feel free to examine things as it installs. After the installation, the desktop will look much the same as it does now. 在你用 Xubuntu Desktop CD 安裝系統的時候,請放心去試試各種的功能。在安裝完成以後,系統外觀大概就是你現在看到的這樣。