Translations by Tobias Junghans
Tobias Junghans has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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3. |
KDE (K Desktop Environment)
2008-02-16 |
KDE (K Desktop Environment)
76. |
Could not start because there is no /usr/share/comps/
2008-02-16 |
Konnte nicht starten, da /usr/share/comps/ nicht existiert
77. |
/comps.xml file.
2008-02-16 |
/comps.xml Datei.
78. |
Please make sure the comps package is installed.
2008-02-16 |
Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass das comps-Paket installiert ist.
298. |
_Install Everything
2008-02-16 |
_Installiere alles