Translations by Schalk

Schalk has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

15 of 5 results
'{0}' is a read-only address book and cannot be modified. Please select a different address book from the side bar in the Contacts view.
Die '{0}' adres boek is gemerk as "read-only" en kan nie verander word nie. Kies asseblief 'n ander adres boek vanaf die Kontakte area in die kant balk.
Currently you can only access the GroupWise System Address Book from Evolution. Please use some other GroupWise mail client once to get your GroupWise Frequent Contacts and Groupwise Personal Contacts folders.
Tans kan jy net toegang kry tot die "GroupWise Stelsel" adres boeke van Evolution. Gebruik asseblief 'n ander "GroupWise" epos kliënt om jou "GroupWise Gereelde Kontakte" en "Groupwise Persoonlike Kontakte" te kry.
This address book server does not have any suggested search bases.
Hierdie adresboek bediener het nie enige voorgestelde soek basisse nie.
This address book server might be unreachable or the server name may be misspelled or your network connection could be down.
Hierdie adresboek bediener mag moontlik onbereikbaar wees, die bediener naam mag moontlik verkeerd gespel wees of jou netwerkverbinding kan moontlik af wees.
You are attempting to move a contact from one address book to another but it cannot be removed from the source. Do you want to save a copy instead?
U probeer 'n kontak van een adres boek na 'n adner te skuif, maar dit kan nie vanaf die oorsprong verwyder word nie. Wil jy verkieslik 'n afskrif daarvan stoor?