Translations by Stas Sușcov

Stas Sușcov has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

14 of 4 results
Installing packages using the Ubuntu installation CD
Instalarea pachetelor folosind CD de instalare Ubuntu
The standard Ubuntu Install CD contains some software from the <emphasis>Main</emphasis> and <emphasis>Restricted</emphasis> categories.
CD-ul Ubuntu standard de instalare conţine software din categoriile <emphasis>Main</emphasis> şi <emphasis>Restricted</emphasis>.
If your system is connected to the Internet, many more software programs are made available for installation. For example, the <quote>Universe</quote> and <quote>Multiverse</quote> repositories are only available over the Internet.
Dacă sistemul tău este conectat la Internet, mult mai multe aplicaţii software sunt disponibile pentru instalare. De exemplu, depozitele <quote>Universe</quote> şi <quote>Multiverse</quote> sunt accesibile prin Internet.
The <emphasis>Multiverse</emphasis> repository contains software which has been classified as <emphasis>non-free</emphasis>. This software may not be permitted in some jurisdictions. When installing each package from this repository, you should verify that the laws of your country permit you to use it. Also, this software may not include security updates.
Depozitele <emphasis>Multiverse</emphasis> conţine software clasificat drept fiind <emphasis>non-gratuit</emphasis>. Acest software poate fi interzis de anumite legislaţii. Când instalezi câte un pachet din acest depozit, trebuie să verifici dacă legislaţia ţării tale permite utilizarea acestui pachet. De asemenea, acest software nu include neapărat şi actualizări de securitate.