Translations by Tao Wei

Tao Wei has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

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<para>By default you will be asked where to put a new Event, Todo or Journal when you create them.</para><para>For convenience it is also possible to configure a default folder for each of the three data items.</para><para><note>If the folder list below is empty, you might have to add a calendar source through <interface>%1</interface></note></para>
<para>默认情况下,在您创建一个新的事件,待办或者日志时,您将被询问它们应当被放在哪里。</para><para>为方便起见,也可以为这三个数据条目的每一项配置一个默认的文件夹。</para><para><note>如果下面的文件夹列表是空的,您也许要通过 <interface>%1</interface> 来添加一个日历源</note></para>