Translations by Tarmo Ilves
Tarmo Ilves has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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4. |
Update your microblog and follow your contacts' statuses
2010-11-18 |
uuenda oma mikroblogi ja jälgi oma kontaktide staatusi
5. |
Add, edit, and delete your broadcast accounts
2010-11-18 |
Lisa, muusa ja kustuta oma ülekande kontosid
22. |
2010-11-18 |
35. |
2010-11-18 |
39. |
Get Help Online...
2010-11-18 |
Leia abi internetist
57. |
Gwibber Authentication Error
2010-11-18 |
Gwibber'i autentimise viga