Translations by Jalakas
Jalakas has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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52. |
Authorization failed. Please try again.
2010-10-26 |
Tuvastamine ei õnnestunud. Palun proovi uuesti.
69. |
Gwibber Web Site
2010-10-26 |
Gwibberi Veebileht
74. |
Account Status
2010-10-26 |
Konto Staatus
91. |
<span size="small"><b>Example:</b> username</span>
friendfeed requires a "remote key" for access from gwibber,
you can find your's at <a href=""></a>
2011-07-11 |
<span size="small"><b>Näide:</b> kasutajanimi</span>
FriendFeed eeldab "välist võtit" juurdepääsemaks gwibberist,
leiad enda oma aadressil <a href=""></a>
92. |
Remote key:
2011-07-11 |
Väline võti:
94. | requires a "remote key" for access from gwibber,
you can find your's at <a href=""></a>
2011-07-11 | eeldab "välist võtit" juurdepääsemaks gwibberist,
leiad enda oma aadressil <a href=""></a>
98. |
<span size="small"><b>Example:</b> username</span>
You will need to enable "API access" to retrieve
an API key, <a href=""></a>
2011-07-11 |
<span size="small"><b>Näide:</b> kasutajanimi</span>
Sa pead lubama "API juurdepääsu", et laadida
API võti, <a href=""></a>
105. |
2010-10-26 |
106. |
All messages
2010-10-26 |
Kõik sõnumid
123. |
2010-10-26 |
128. |
2010-10-26 |
129. |
2010-10-26 |
133. |
Your Accounts
2010-10-26 |
Sinu Kontod
134. |
Create New Account
2010-10-26 |
Loo Uus Konto