Translations by SB

SB has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

11 of 1 result
The file system on ${PARTITION} assigned to ${MOUNTPOINT} has not been marked for formatting. Directories containing system files (/etc, /lib, /usr, /var, ...) that already exist under any defined mountpoint will be deleted during the install.
מערכת הקבצים על ${PARTITION} המשויכת ל${MOUNTPOINT} סומנה למחיקה. כל הספריות המכילות קבצי מערכת (/etc, /lib, /usr,/var,...) אשר כבר קיימות על איזהשהי מערכת קבצים פעילה ימחקו בתהליך ההתקנה.