Translatable templates
These Ubuntu translations are managed by Ubuntu Ukrainian Translators.
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1 → 75 of 1346 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
Template Name | Status | Untranslated | Need review | Changed | Total | Last Edited | By |
bootloader | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 33 33 | 77 | 2010-12-23 12:36:17 UTC | Vitaliy Kulikov |
debian-installer | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 567 567 | 1614 | 2010-10-07 12:36:38 UTC | Joseph Chereshnovsky |
debian-installer-help | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 46 46 | 177 | 2010-11-26 23:15:30 UTC | Sergiy Gavrylov |
ubiquity-debconf | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 54 54 | 234 | 2010-10-12 19:51:01 UTC | Serge Gavrilenko |
ubiquity-desktop | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 1 1 | 3 | 2010-02-13 19:17:15 UTC | Serhey Kusyumoff (Серг... |
ubiquity-slideshow-kubuntu | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 48 | 2010-09-28 22:02:43 UTC | Yuri Chornoivan |
ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 49 | 2010-09-28 22:07:08 UTC | Sergiy Gavrylov |
ubiquity-slideshow-xubuntu | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 43 | 2010-09-28 22:16:53 UTC | Sergiy Gavrylov |
ubiquity-slideshow-lubuntu | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 37 | 2010-09-28 23:49:33 UTC | Yuri Chornoivan |
unity | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 2 2 | 0 — | 20 | 2010-10-31 20:23:58 UTC | Yurii Habrusiev |
unity-place-applications | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 25 | 2010-09-24 03:58:01 UTC | Yuri Chornoivan |
unity-place-files | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 65 | 2010-09-28 15:14:43 UTC | Yuri Chornoivan |
indicator-datetime | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 10 | 2010-08-16 15:06:58 UTC | Sergiy Gavrylov |
indicator-me | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 1 1 | 12 | 2011-01-20 17:44:52 UTC | Tarnawsky Vitaly |
indicator-session | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 42 | 2011-02-26 02:48:43 UTC | Launchpad Translations... |
indicator-sound | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 5 | 2010-09-11 12:38:51 UTC | Sergiy Gavrylov |
rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 18 | 2010-09-21 09:37:01 UTC | MFX |
indicator-messages | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 9 | 2010-03-27 18:51:01 UTC | TheAsus |
indicator-applet | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 20 | 2010-08-31 21:21:41 UTC | Anton Gladky |
language-selector | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 16 16 | 94 | 2010-09-24 17:22:47 UTC | Colin Watson |
software-center | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 1 1 | 1 1 | 242 | 2010-09-19 07:48:45 UTC | Anton Gladky |
aptdaemon | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 66 66 | 196 | 2016-08-06 19:38:14 UTC | Sergiy Gavrylov |
update-manager | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 18 18 | 384 | 2012-02-16 22:28:55 UTC | Sergiy Gavrylov |
update-notifier | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 18 18 | 68 | 2011-02-07 17:56:34 UTC | brabadu |
evolution-indicator | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 1 1 | 15 | 2010-04-06 17:45:28 UTC | Sergiy Gavrylov |
launchpad-integration | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 8 | 2010-02-09 13:34:04 UTC | Andriy Korchak |
app-install-data | 98.58930602957908 001.41 | 62 62 | 13 13 | 4 4 | 4395 | 2011-03-02 04:36:07 UTC | DmytroAv |
gnome-codec-install | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 33 | 2010-06-02 14:34:20 UTC | Andriy Korchak |
ubuntu-sso-client | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 35 | 2010-10-17 21:11:07 UTC | Serge Gavrilenko |
ubuntuone-client | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 3 3 | 3 3 | 107 | 2010-10-31 21:58:44 UTC | nehxby |
computerjanitor | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 56 | 2010-09-07 08:34:06 UTC | Sergiy Gavrylov |
checkbox | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 7 7 | 8 8 | 243 | 2011-02-01 07:39:30 UTC | andygol |
friendly-recovery | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 10 | 2010-04-13 15:46:37 UTC | Sergiy Gavrylov |
human-theme | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 3 | 2009-05-15 23:06:47 UTC | svv |
example-content | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 2 | 2009-11-01 11:52:51 UTC | coirius |
onboard | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 66 | 2010-09-27 14:05:58 UTC | Francesco Fumanti |
jockey | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 7 7 | 9 9 | 108 | 2010-09-04 19:21:03 UTC | Anton Gladky |
usbcreator | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 11 11 | 82 | 2011-05-03 02:53:38 UTC | Evan |
software-properties | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 9 9 | 105 | 2010-09-23 03:41:27 UTC | Vadym Abramchuck |
notify-osd-icons | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 1 | 2009-10-09 11:55:17 UTC | atany |
gdebi | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 118 | 2010-04-13 15:47:19 UTC | Sergiy Gavrylov |
screen-resolution-extra | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 9 | 2010-04-07 10:08:56 UTC | Sergiy Gavrylov |
synaptic | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 66 66 | 729 | 2010-09-23 06:10:45 UTC | Serhij Dubyk |
apport | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 155 | 2011-02-01 07:49:12 UTC | andygol |
apturl | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 33 | 2009-10-11 22:23:07 UTC | atany |
failsafexinit | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 33 | 2010-04-25 13:38:15 UTC | TheAsus |
system-service | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 12 | 2009-10-31 22:01:28 UTC | — |
netbook-launcher-efl | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 6 6 | 44 | 2010-09-16 07:15:20 UTC | Michael Terry |
window-picker-applet | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 9 | 2009-10-11 23:45:44 UTC | atany |
go-home-applet | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 4 | 2009-10-09 09:05:09 UTC | atany |
firefox | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 5892 | 2010-04-22 11:22:56 UTC | Sergiy Gavrylov |
grub | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 3 3 | 267 | 2010-11-19 18:10:14 UTC | Taras Romaniv |
ecryptfs-utils | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 2 | 2010-03-21 17:33:19 UTC | Vadym Mykhalets |
gnome-menus | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 5 5 | 74 | 2010-09-28 06:59:50 UTC | Maxim Dziumanenko |
gdm | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 2 2 | 5 5 | 247 | 2010-09-15 06:47:39 UTC | Maxim Dziumanenko |
gnome-panel | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 17 17 | 2 2 | 634 | 2010-08-28 15:59:52 UTC | Wanderlust |
python-apt | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 4 4 | 111 | 2010-10-25 13:30:31 UTC | nehxby |
yelp | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 3 3 | 378 | 2016-08-05 09:08:55 UTC | artemp |
gtk | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 866 | 2011-02-01 07:53:43 UTC | Тарас Тріщук |
gtk-properties | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 1716 | 2011-02-01 15:26:46 UTC | Oleksander Dubovyk |
gwibber | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 1 1 | 7 7 | 146 | 2010-11-27 12:04:58 UTC | Omer Akram |
nautilus | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 2 2 | 89 89 | 1451 | 2010-11-09 23:33:47 UTC | Maxim Dziumanenko |
xdg-user-dirs | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 6 6 | 28 | 2009-10-11 23:29:41 UTC | atany |
nm-applet | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 1 1 | 0 — | 505 | 2010-10-22 12:19:19 UTC | Serge Gavrilenko |
networkmanager | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 0 — | 327 | 2010-10-09 23:43:21 UTC | nehxby |
evolution | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 101 101 | 0 — | 4740 | 2011-01-12 02:01:12 UTC | Maxim Dziumanenko |
evolution-data-server | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 6 6 | 101 101 | 997 | 2010-12-20 13:52:57 UTC | Maxim Dziumanenko |
gedit | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 24 24 | 1107 | 2010-08-24 13:56:50 UTC | Maxim Dziumanenko |
empathy | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 2 2 | 5 5 | 804 | 2010-11-19 22:40:58 UTC | Maxim Dziumanenko |
rhythmbox | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 6 6 | 1 1 | 1181 | 2011-02-03 17:47:40 UTC | Дмитро Киричук |
tomboy | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 1 1 | 0 — | 442 | 2011-02-01 08:36:51 UTC | andygol |
totem | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 57 57 | 738 | 2011-02-01 07:31:05 UTC | andygol |
shotwell | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 4 4 | 604 | 2011-04-04 21:07:05 UTC | Yuri Chornoivan |
libwnck | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 0 — | 59 59 | 241 | 2010-09-27 22:42:40 UTC | Maxim Dziumanenko |
eog | 100.0 000.00 | 0 — | 4 4 | 11 11 | 320 | 2011-02-15 13:05:21 UTC | Oleksander Dubovyk |
Overall statistics: | 009.79 | 34590 | 742 | 5318 | 353211 |
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