Translations by Gema Aji Wardian
Gema Aji Wardian has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1 → 34 of 34 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
~ |
Stop & Quit
2016-01-21 |
Berhenti & Keluar
~ |
2016-01-19 |
49. |
2016-01-21 |
175. |
2016-01-21 |
176. |
_Track count:
2016-01-21 |
Jumlah _track:
231. |
2016-01-21 |
233. |
Select new artwork
2016-01-21 |
Pilih sampul baru
234. |
2016-01-21 |
651. |
Start interactive mode
2016-01-21 |
Mulai mode interaktif
652. |
n - Next track
2016-01-21 |
n - Track Selanjutnya
653. |
p - Previous track
2016-01-21 |
p - Track Sebelumnya
654. |
space - Play/pause
2016-01-21 |
space - Mulai/jeda
655. |
s - Show playing track details
2016-01-21 |
s - Lihat detail track yang sedang berjalan
656. |
v - Decrease volume
2016-01-21 |
v - Turunkan volume
657. |
V - Increase volume
2016-01-21 |
V - Naikan volume
658. |
h/? - Help
2016-01-21 |
h/? - Bantuan
659. |
q - Quit
2016-01-21 |
q - Keluar
661. |
%tt by %ta from %at
2016-01-21 |
%tt oleh %ta dari %at
662. |
%tt by %ta
2016-01-21 |
%tt oleh %ta
663. |
%tt from %ta
2016-01-21 |
%tt dari %ta
664. |
[%te of %td]
2016-01-21 |
[%te dari %td]
665. |
2016-01-21 |
666. |
Seeked to %s
2016-01-21 |
Dicari ke %s
667. |
Now playing: %s %s
2016-01-21 |
Sedang dimainkan: %s %s
668. |
Unknown playback state: %s
2016-01-21 |
Status playback tidak diketahui: %s
669. |
Volume is now %.02f
2016-01-21 |
Volume sekarang %.02f
670. |
Press 'h' for help.
2016-01-21 |
Tekan 'h' untuk bantuan.
830. |
2016-01-21 |
831. |
2016-01-21 |
832. |
2016-01-21 |
833. |
2016-01-21 |
868. |
2016-01-21 |
938. |
2016-01-21 |
939. |
2016-01-21 |