Translations by Martin Karlsson

Martin Karlsson has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

11 of 1 result
<application>KSnakerace</application> is a fast action game where you control a snake which has to eat the food that appears on the map. The more you eat, the larger your snake grows. The goal is to eat as much as possible without colliding with another snake or the wall, however this becomes more and more difficult the more you eat.
<application>KSnakerace</application> är ett snabbt action-spel där du kontrollerar en orm som måste äta maten som dyker upp på kartan. Ju mer du äter, desto större växer sig din orm. Målet är att äta så mycket som möjligt utan att kollidera med en annan orm eller väggen. Detta blir dock svårare ju mer du äter.