Translations by sfantu
sfantu has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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5. |
All Pages From _Feeder
2010-02-13 |
Toate Paginile de la alimentator
12. |
2010-02-13 |
16. |
Rotate Left
2010-02-13 |
Roteste spre stanga
17. |
Rotate Right
2010-02-13 |
Roteste la dreapta
22. |
2010-02-13 |
25. |
2010-02-13 |
28. |
Scan a single page from the scanner
2010-02-13 |
Scaneaza o singura pagina din scaner
31. |
Start a new document
2010-02-13 |
Incepe un nou document
48. |
_Stop Scan
2010-02-13 |
_Opreste Scanarea
51. |
Scan Documents
2010-02-13 |
Scaneaza Documente
52. |
Device to scan from
2010-02-13 |
Dispozitiv de folosit pentru scanare
53. |
Direction of scan
2010-02-13 |
Directia scanarii
56. |
Height of scanned image in pixels
2010-02-13 |
Inaltimea imaginii scanate in pixeli
61. |
SANE device to acquire images from.
2010-02-13 |
Dispozitiv SANE pentru achizitionarea imaginilor
62. |
TRUE if the application window is maximized
2010-02-13 |
ADEVARAT daca fereastra aplicatiei este maximizata
63. |
The direction of the scanner across the scanned page. It can be one of the following: 'top-to-bottom' 'bottom-to-top' 'left-to-right' 'right-to-left'
2010-02-13 |
Directia scanerului peste pagina scanata . poate fi una din urmatoarele : 'de sus in jos' 'de jos in sus' 'de la stanga la dreapta' 'de la dreapta spre stanga'
65. |
The height of scanned image in pixels. This value is updated to what the last scanned page was.
2010-02-13 |
Inaltimea imagini scanate in pixeli. Aceasta valoare este actualizata la valoarea paginii precedent scanate
71. |
The width of scanned image in pixels. This value is updated to what the last scanned page was.
2010-02-13 |
Latimea imagini scanate in pixeli. Aceasta valoare este actualizata la valoarea paginii precedent scanate
73. |
Type of document being scanned
2010-02-13 |
Tipul de document scanat
74. |
Type of document being scanned. 'text' for text documents, 'photo' for photos. This setting decides on the scan resolution, colors and post-processing.
2010-02-13 |
Tipul de document scanat. 'text' pentru documentele de text , 'foto' pentru fotografii , Aceste setari decid rezolutia scanarii , culorile , si post procesarea