Translations by Martin Meredith
Martin Meredith has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1 → 39 of 39 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
1. |
2006-07-26 |
2. |
String preparation failed
2006-07-26 |
String preparation failed
3. |
Punycode failed
2006-07-26 |
Punycode failed
4. |
Non-digit/letter/hyphen in input
2006-07-26 |
Non-digit/letter/hyphen in input
5. |
Forbidden leading or trailing minus sign (`-')
2006-07-26 |
Forbidden leading or trailing minus sign (`-')
6. |
Output would be too large or too small
2006-07-26 |
Output would be too large or too small
7. |
Input does not start with ACE prefix (`xn--')
2006-07-26 |
Input does not start with ACE prefix (`xn--')
8. |
String not idempotent under ToASCII
2006-07-26 |
String not idempotent under ToASCII
9. |
Input already contain ACE prefix (`xn--')
2006-07-26 |
Input already contain ACE prefix (`xn--')
10. |
System iconv failed
2006-07-26 |
System iconv failed
11. |
Cannot allocate memory
2006-07-26 |
Cannot allocate memory
12. |
System dlopen failed
2006-07-26 |
System dlopen failed
13. |
Unknown error
2006-07-26 |
Unknown error
14. |
String not idempotent under Unicode NFKC normalization
2006-07-26 |
String not idempotent under Unicode NFKC normalization
15. |
Invalid input
2006-07-26 |
Invalid input
16. |
Output would exceed the buffer space provided
2006-07-26 |
Output would exceed the buffer space provided
17. |
String size limit exceeded
2006-07-26 |
String size limit exceeded
18. |
Forbidden unassigned code points in input
2006-07-26 |
Forbidden unassigned code points in input
19. |
Prohibited code points in input
2006-07-26 |
Prohibited code points in input
20. |
Conflicting bidirectional properties in input
2006-07-26 |
Conflicting bidirectional properties in input
21. |
Malformed bidirectional string
2006-07-26 |
Malformed bidirectional string
22. |
Prohibited bidirectional code points in input
2006-07-26 |
Prohibited bidirectional code points in input
23. |
Error in stringprep profile definition
2006-07-26 |
Error in stringprep profile definition
24. |
Flag conflict with profile
2006-07-26 |
Flag conflict with profile
25. |
Unknown profile
2006-07-26 |
Unknown profile
26. |
Unicode normalization failed (internal error)
2006-07-26 |
Unicode normalization failed (internal error)
27. |
Code points prohibited by top-level domain
2006-07-26 |
Code points prohibited by top-level domain
28. |
Missing input
2006-07-26 |
Missing input
29. |
No top-level domain found in input
2006-07-26 |
No top-level domain found in input
42. |
Charset `%s'.
2006-07-26 |
Charset `%s'.
43. |
Type each input string on a line by itself, terminated by a newline character.
2006-07-26 |
Type each input string on a line by itself, terminated by a newline character.
47. |
stringprep_profile: %s
2006-07-26 |
stringprep_profile: %s
49. |
punycode_encode: %s
2006-07-26 |
punycode_encode: %s
50. |
2006-07-26 |
51. |
punycode_decode: %s
2006-07-26 |
punycode_decode: %s
53. |
idna_to_ascii_4z: %s
2006-07-26 |
idna_to_ascii_4z: %s
54. |
idna_to_unicode_8z4z (TLD): %s
2006-07-26 |
idna_to_unicode_8z4z (TLD): %s
56. |
tld_check_4z: %s
2006-07-26 |
tld_check_4z: %s
57. |
idna_to_unicode_8z4z: %s
2006-07-26 |
idna_to_unicode_8z4z: %s