Translations by 王世传
王世传 has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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Report a Problem
2009-08-26 |
1. |
The Launchpad helper application failed
2009-08-26 |
Launchpad 帮助程序失败
2. |
The exit status was %d
2009-08-26 |
退出状态为 %d
3. |
An error occurred while starting the Launchpad helper
2009-08-26 |
4. |
Get Help Online...
2009-08-26 |
5. |
Connect to the Launchpad website for online help
2009-08-26 |
登陆Launchpad 网站寻求在线帮助
6. |
Translate This Application...
2009-08-26 |
7. |
Connect to the Launchpad website to help translate this application
2009-08-26 |