Translations by Quereño

Quereño has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
If you are having issues connecting to your network or the Internet, the first thing you need to do is locate the model of the network device you are using. To do so, unfortunately you will have to use the command line at this time. To get to the command line in Kubuntu, press <keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo>. This will open up a pop-up called <application>KRunner</application>. Enter the word <userinput>konsole</userinput> and press <keycap>Enter</keycap>. You will notice that once <application>Konsole</application> opens, you will see something similar to <prompt>username@hostname:~$</prompt>. Here you will type <userinput>lspci</userinput> and press <keycap>Enter</keycap>. Locate your network hardware information, you will need this for the upcoming sections, especially for wireless cards.
Si está experimentando problemas para conectarse a su red o a Internet, lo primero que debe hacer es localizar el modelo del dispositivo de red que está utilizando. Para ello, tendrá que utilizar la línea de comandos. Para llegar a la línea de comandos en Kubuntu, pulse <keycombo><keycap>Alt</keycap><keycap>F2</keycap></keycombo>. Esto abrirá una ventana emergente llamada <application>KRunner</application>. Introduzca la palabra <userinput>konsole</userinput> y pulse <keycap>Enter</keycap>. Una vez que <application>Konsole</application> se abre, verá algo similar a <prompt>nombredeusuario@nombredelhost:~$</prompt>. Teclee aquí <userinput>lspci</userinput> y pulse <keycap>Enter</keycap>. Busque la información sobre su hardware de red, la necesitará para las próximas secciones, especialmente para las tarjetas de red inalámbricas.
If a connection has been made previouslyto the selected network, connect to that network by clicking on it in the <guilabel>Wireless</guilabel> tab. If no connection has been made to the desired network previously, continue with the following procedure:
Si se ha realizado anteriormente una conexión a la red seleccionada, conéctese a dicha red haciendo clic sobre ella en la pestaña <guilabel>Wireless</guilabel>. Si no se ha realizado anteriormente ninguna conexión a la red deseada, continuar con el siguiente procedimiento: