Translations by صقر بن عبدالله

صقر بن عبدالله has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

13 of 3 results
GNOME's focus on usability and accessibility, regular release cycle, and strong corporate backing make it unique among Free Software desktops.
GNOME jiffoka fuq il-faċiltà fl-użu u l-aċċessibilità, ċiklu regolari ta' ħruġ ta' verżjonijiet aġġornati, u appoġġ qawwi mill-istess produtturi ta' GNOME, li jagħmluh uniku fost is-sistemi grafiċi għall-Programmi B'xejn.
Hundreds of people have contributed code to GNOME since it was started in 1997; many more have contributed in other important ways, including translations, documentation, and quality assurance.
Mijiet ta' nies ikkontribwew il-kodiċi lill-GNOME mindu beda fl-1997; ħafna iżjed ikkontribwew b'modi oħra, inkluż traduzzjonijiet, dokumentazzjoni u verifika tal-kwalità.
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