Translations by Mvillarino

Mvillarino has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

11 of 1 result
<h1>Service Manager</h1><p>This module allows you to have an overview of all plugins of the KDE Daemon, also referred to as KDE Services. Generally, there are two types of service:</p><ul><li>Services invoked at startup</li><li>Services called on demand</li></ul><p>The latter are only listed for convenience. The startup services can be started and stopped. In Administrator mode, you can also define whether services should be loaded at startup.</p><p><b> Use this with care: some services are vital for KDE; do not deactivate services if you do not know what you are doing.</b></p>
<h1>Xestor de servizos</h1><p>Este módulo permítelle ter unha vista xeral de todos os complementos do daemon de KDE, tamén chamados Servizos de KDE. En xeral, hai dous tipos de servizo:</p><ul><li>Os que se invocan no inicio</li> <li>Servizos iniciados segundo a demanda</li></ul><p>Estes últimos só se listan por conveniencia. Os servizos de inicio pode iniciarse e pararse. No modo Administrador, pode tamén decidir cales servizos deberían cargarse no inicio.</p> <p><b> Empregue isto con coidado. Algúns servizos son vitais para KDE. Non desactive ningún servizo se non coñece a súa finalidade.</b></p>