Translations by ivarela

ivarela has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

121 of 21 results
Could not find an additional device at %1
Nun pudo atopase un preséu adicional en %1
Please enter the device name where K3b should search for a new drive (example: /dev/mebecdrom):
Por favor, introduza'l nome del preséu au K3b deberá guetar una nueva unidá (ex. /dev/cdrom):
Generic SCSI Device
Preséu SCSI Xenéricu
Could not update all permissions. You should run K3bSetup 2 as root.
Nun pudo actualizase tolos permisos. Debería executar K3bSetup 2 comu alministrador.
<p>This simple setup assistant is able to set the permissions needed by K3b in order to burn CDs and DVDs. <p>It does not take things like devfs or resmgr into account. In most cases this is not a problem but on some systems the permissions may be altered the next time you login or restart your computer. In those cases it is best to consult the distribution documentation.<p><b>Caution:</b> Although K3bSetup 2 should not be able to mess up your system no guarantee can be given.
<p>Esti cenciellu asistente ye útil para escoyer los permisos precisaos por K3b pa grabar CDs ya DVDs. <p>Nun tien en cuenta coses comu devfs o resmgr. Na mayoría los casos esto nun ye un problema, pero en dellos sistemes los permisos puen aparecer alteraos na próxima vegada qu'anicie l'ordenador. Nestos casos lo meyor ye consultar a documentación de la distribución.<p><b>Curiáu:</b> Magar que K3bSetup 2 nun debiera estropiar el so sistema, nun se pue garantizar esto.
Successfully updated all permissions.
Tolos permisos actualizaos satisfactoriamente.
<h2>K3bSetup 2</h2><p>This simple setup assistant is able to set the permissions needed by K3b in order to burn CDs and DVDs.<p>It does not take into account devfs or resmgr, or similar. In most cases this is not a problem, but on some systems the permissions may be altered the next time you login or restart your computer. In these cases it is best to consult the distribution's documentation.<p>The important task that K3bSetup 2 performs is grant write access to the CD and DVD devices.<p><b>Caution:</b> Although K3bSetup 2 should not be able to damage your system, no guarantee can be given.
<h2>K3bSetup 2</h2><p>Esti cenciellu asistente de configuración ye capaz de configurar los permisos necesarios por K3b pa grabar CDs ya DVDs. <p> Nun tien en cuenta devfs o resmgr, o similares. Na mayoria los casos nun ye un problema, pero en dellos sistemes los permisos puen ser alteraos la prósima vegada qu'entre o reanicie'l so ordenador. Nesos casos ye meyor consultar la documentación de la distribución.<p>La importante xera que K3bSetup 2 fai ye garantizar el so accesu a los preseos CD ya DVD.<p><b>Curiáu:</b> Pesie a que K3bSetup 2 nun ye quien a frañar el so sistema, nun pue garantizase.
Could not update all permissions.
Nun pudo actualizase tolos permisos.
<p>This simple setup assistant is able to set the permissions needed by K3b in order to burn CDs and DVDs. <p>It does not take things like devfs or resmgr into account. In most cases this is not a problem but on some systems the permissions may be altered the next time you login or restart your computer. In those cases it is best to consult the distribution documentation.<p><b>Caution:</b> Although K3b::Setup should not be able to mess up your system no guarantee can be given.
<p> Esti cenciellu asistente de configuración ye quien a configurar los permisos necesarios pa K3b pa grabar CD y DVD. <p> nun tien coses como devfs o resmgr en cuenta. Na mayoría de los casos esto nun ye un problema, pero en dalgunos sistemes los permisos pueden camudase la próxima vegada qu'anicie sesión o reanicie l'equipu. Nesos casos lo meyor ye consultar la documentación de la distribución. <p> Precaución: </ b> Magar que K3b::Setup nun tendría de poder frañar el sistema, esto nun pue garantizase.
<h2>K3b::Setup</h2><p>This simple setup assistant is able to set the permissions needed by K3b in order to burn CDs and DVDs.<p>It does not take into account devfs or resmgr, or similar. In most cases this is not a problem, but on some systems the permissions may be altered the next time you login or restart your computer. In these cases it is best to consult the distribution's documentation.<p>The important task that K3b::Setup performs is grant write access to the CD and DVD devices.<p><b>Caution:</b> Although K3b::Setup should not be able to damage your system, no guarantee can be given.
<h2> K3b::Setup </ h2> <p> Esti cenciellu asistente de configuración ye quien a configurar los permisos necesarios pa K3b pa grabar CD y DVD. <p> nun tien en cuenta devfs o resmgr, o similar . Na mayoría de los casos esto nun ye un problema, pero en dalgunos sistemes los permisos pueden camudase la próxima vegada qu'anicie sesión o reanicie l'equipu. Nesos casos lo meyor ye consultar la documentación de la distribución. <p> La xera importante que K3b::Setup fai ye conceder accesu d'escritura a los preseos de CD y DVD. <p> Precaución: </ b> Magar que K3b::Setup nun tendría de poder frañar el sistema, esto nun pue garantizase.
Cannot run worker.
Nun puede executase l'aida.
Following devices and programs could not be updated:
Los siguientes preseos y programes nun pueden anovase:
<p>If this option is checked, only the users in the specified group will be able to burn CDs and DVDs, since only they will have access to the devices and the CD recording programs used by K3b.</p> <p>Otherwise all users on the system have access to the devices and to all K3b functionality.
<p>Si esta opción ta seleicionada, namái los usuarios del grupu especificáu podrán grabar CD y DVD, darréu que namái ellos tendrán accesu a los preseos y los programes de grabación de CD usaos por K3b.</p> <p>De lo contrario tolos usuarios del sistema tienen accesu a los preseos y a toles funcionalidaes de K3b.
Your names
AluminiuM, Iñigo Varela, Xandru Martino
,Launchpad Contributions:,AluminiuM,Iñigo Varela,Xandru Martino
This is a dummy translation so that the credits are counted as translated.
Your emails
This is a dummy translation so that the credits are counted as translated.